Wednesday, January 5, 2011

What I Learned in 2010

I think some of these lessons I already knew or maybe had learned a long time ago but all of these came to mind as I thought about what I learned in 2010!

*Being an aunt is one of the greatest blessings and opportunities I could have ever been given!
Mollie May (3 yrs old)- (When asked what makes her happy) "When I listen to Jesus and He listens to me and then I get really, really brave!" Besides being really cute and hilarious I realized how profound just about everything this little girl says is! I hope I can spend more of 2011 listening and then being really, really brave :)
Jax (13 months) Pretty sure this little guy can peer into my soul! He doesn't talk much yet but is starting to and I'm hoping all of that time I spend pointing at myself and saying my name is going to pay off in 2011!

*Change is good but my heart will always be in Sanpete!
One stoplight is plenty for me!

*I spend WAY too much time in my comfort zone!
I am on a waiting list for western swing at USU and part of me really hopes I don't get in because it terrifies me, but most worthwhile things usually do!

*For every one time you know you made the right decision there are about ten that you aren't sure!
The importance of holding onto confirmations from Heavenly Father has been reiterated for me because the more the life changing the decision is, the more the adversary will work on you!

*Sometimes the things Heavenly Father asks me to do are to prepare me for something else entirely!
I realize sometimes the Lord needs me in a different place and will ask me to do something that is already on my mind to get there but when the time comes He may have needed me there for a different reason than I originally planned on- which often turns out to be a growing experience I know I wanted needed!

*"I believe that man's noblest endowment is his capacity to change." - Leonard Bernstein
Change is inevitable but that's always been part of the plan! Experiences all around me can change me for better or worse and I am the one that decides!

*I have too often neglected and taken for granted the enabling power of the atonement 
I don't feel like I can speak about our endowment to change without saying something about what makes that change possible! I have spent much of my life focusing on the ability the atonement provides to put off the natural man (Mosiah 3:19) but often in my life I haven’t realized or utilized the power of the atonement to become a saint as stated in that same verse. King Limhi's change of heart is brought about through his understanding of the plan of salvation and the Savior. After he is converted he talks of his willingness to give up all earthly possessions but most importantly all his sins to know Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. All other cares or ambitions are simply overshadowed by the fact that eternal life is now his main focus, highest priority and greatest desire. I know too often in my own life I have let other things get in the way whether it be school, pride, doubt, my unwillingness to forgive or change, etc. But I now have a greater understanding and testimony of the atonement and its power to change my nature, my desires, my ability to accomplish the things the Lord asks me to do, and all around the power it provides to change me!

* I am extremely blessed!
2010 has been full of amazing people who have taught me so much! I spent Spring semester of 2010 surrounded by wonderful girls in Relief Society who I still miss SO much who let me into their lives and changed mine for the better! Summer was filled with new experiences, goodbyes, and health that allowed me to run farther than I knew I could! Fall came sooner than I wanted but also brought new people, lots of opportunities for growth, and a semster full of laughs, memories, and support from 3 of the most amazing girls I know! I also had the opportunity to see four of my best friends leave on missions and another receive her call and realize what great friends I have been blessed with! Winter brought me back home for a couple weeks where shoveling snow, hauling wood, and a new lesson on the maul from my brother reminded me that I was raised to work hard- no matter what the task. I was able to catch up with a best friend who never ceases to make me laugh or get me to wear things that at first might not seem "my style" but that I end up loving! :) I found greater ability to put things into perspective and re-evaluate my priorities and ended the year spending the holidays with my family who truly are my best friends and greatest blessings!

What did you learn in 2010?


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